Wednesday, March 3, 2010

saBar yE duDe

uuuuuuu.....dis entry just 4 mngedik n 4 someone yg I close now.......

ermmm, busy sgt ka???? memng nmpak die agk bz kot....but must rest lo, he look presure n tension2....wen call me, he will tell d problem.......errrr.....relax k, he said many assigment, mid term lg plust event yg dpegang.......wooo, sgt berat k....relax2 suda kan.....tpi bg die, want do d best...but remember dat everyone x prefect k,.........

one day, die ckp die agk down, come onnnn......jgn mcm nie, nie mrupakan experience k....I know u tired n dont give up...smue org ade mrasainye, time nie la nak tnjukkan diri kter n uji dri sblum mnghadapi alam pkerjaan rite.........

my frens, tell me dat u memng bz n she tell me dat me may be 1 smangat u...hahahhaha, geli hati juga la my frens, 2 dri die sndri, die memng sntiasa smngat n berkomitmen....but, i will support wat u do k dude...chayoo"2......, share wif me if u have problem, wlaupun just mnjdi pndgr setia pun ok gek kan.........n u pun da mkin membsar rite...;p..umur brape??(one of question yg die sker)...huhuu;p.........but im dispointed wif one of his frens....ermmm.......time susah nie la kter dpt knal org d seklilng kter, abis manis sepah dibuang (tetiba je)....huhuuu....
ok, klau dlu die agk rjin mbnyikan ringtone msej phone gue, but now da krang, list wlaupun msih bz still igt kot dr people2 yg rpat mse dlu abis madu sepah dbuang (ulang blik ayt ats), x pun ble susah bru nak cari, ble senang nak msej yg bape sen 2 pun susah kot, sedih kot...hayayyayyaaya....x pe2, nie 1 experience gek...heheheehhe.......tahniah la kpd people2 yg dkenali mse dlu, trimas byk2 cause wat mcm 2, at list gue tau sikap, sifat n sgala prangai u all....agagaaga (luahan ckit)...;p

anyway dude, do u best k n jgn trlalu memaksa dri......, I know u will be a good leader k....watchaaaaa........;p

terimala taraaaaa..................
peace no war;p.....


sherah said...

oiii apa ko buat nih tim wakakakaaaaaa

iemahim said...

bosan seiii...............

Mommy Sara said...

ya Allah dh angau rupenyer sepupu aku nih!aduhaiiiiiiiiiiiiii!hahaha. ok2 yg abis madu sepah dibuang tu...lantaklaa eh!xyah pedulikan die lg....kalo kak ina jd imah time susah2 die mintak tlg tu xyah tolong!susah baru cari....dem...tak suke gle orang mcm tu! (ok sorry emo lebih plak....sebab kak ina RAMAI gle kawan yg mcm haram itu!BENCI!)

iemahim said...

eiyuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...bkn angau r, just apreciate je ape yg die wat....beza dgn yg ima knal2 dlu...hhaahahaha......
wooo222,,sbar ye die plak yg beremosi lbihkan...uhuhuu....k.ina, sok jmput ima...nak blik sne..nak amik ima, kdt da kong...;p..huhuuh