Monday, January 4, 2010

to my sayang syi22..........muahXX

bertahun lamanya x pernah brjmpe ye.......(pdahal bru je jmpe td)...huhuh..
RAJA NOOR SHAIRAH BT RAJA IZAHAM I miss uu a lottttttttttttttt...muahxx...
lme da kte x borak2, xoxo stiap kali jmpe, msti tnye "Tim ko ade cter hot x"...hahhah..wat mse nie x de wei, da mlas da nak hot2 sgt, hot ker....kuing22.....huhu
syi2 tanks slama nie cause sudi jd kwan aku........ko slalu wat aku tharu, nie yg nak nangis nie....isk2...aku igt lg time aku call ko, ko nangis2 cause rndu cousin ko 2, aku mcm nak g lari ke bilik ko, and hug2 ko.....sedih woooo...adoi air mata da nak berderai nie...hehehh...
tanks byk2 syi, wlaupun jauh stakat blok je yg jauh nie, ko still igt aku........i luvvv uuuuuuuu...
ble ade problem share2 la yek.........aku akn mndgrnyee n try to re solve it....

nie post speciallnye, aku ltak byk pic2 kte bersama dlu, k
keep it up....weeeeee;p

kat times square;p

time dinner kolej...baju syi2 lari tema ok...huhuhu;p

muka kepoyoan mlande....mnunggu komuter smpai nak berjanggut suda..;p

i hope...still frensz 4 ever never........muahxxxxxxxx................
adoi, sdih rsenye...hik22...


sherah said...

ahahaaaaa terharu aku.....uuuhhuuu....oii ape laa tulis ak lari theme hahaa...senyap sudaah.hehe...rindu sayang kamu!!!!fatimah ibrahim...(teringat pulak kamera bapak ko hehe)

iemahim said...

huhuhuuhuh....ko msih igt lg eh..
kamera 2 cnform x ilang...heheheehe